
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sextacy Lost

S.E.X... Shared Enjoyment eXscape! (Well that's what it stands for, for me!)

Sex, how important is it really? I mean I hear people talk about sex all the time, myself included, but really I wonder how important is it that those of us who are not in committed MARRIED relationships experience this divine pleasure? Well let me throw a few stats at y'all...

A study done by Durex (you know the condom brand) in 2003 found that

  • People have sex on AVERAGE 127 times per year (THATS ALL?)
  • Eastern Europeans have us beat with 150 times (Ouch)
  • 2 years prior the US was beating out everyone @ 121 times a year (Damn Rabbits)
So with a few stats under our belt we can all conclude that somehow sex is important to our lifestyles, but WHY?!?!

Well let me try to dig a bit deeper from my observations on both genders. Sex is seemingly something we do now-a-days because it's socially acceptable to be considered desirable. I mean let's face it times have changed and people need to find new ways to fit in, yes I said FIT IN. I mean some guys sole claim to fame is how many girls they have humped. Celebrities are not famous because of their talents, but because of their ability to open their legs and "Insert here-->>", and the act of adultery is running rampant ... Seriously its almost pathetic how sex has become so accepted that we think nothing of it when it passes off in commercials, cartoons, and even billboard ads... Here is a shocker... the average child is exposed to 40,000 mass media ads a year... now think how that's doubled for us adults, and on top of that nearly HALF of them are about body image and sex.

So is there much to wonder, when we find ourselves, thinking who is gonna be our next victim, or where we are gonna get our next "nut" off?

Now with all the information we have out there about sex, love, and rock-n-roll (sorry couldn't help myself... FOCUS ADRIENNE)... I digress... with all the info about sex and STDs aaaand pregnancy we still manage to be shocked.. SHOCKED I TELL YOU... when we experience these mishaps. Like seriously... don't be actin all surprised when the Dr. returns with that chart giving you the run down of what you got... or how many weeks your along... YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!

It's like its engraved in our very fibers through evolution that SEX will forever be something we NEED to do, so if it's that important... why cant we wait? I know that everyone wants to experience a lil' pleasure (buy a ticket to Disney World)... but why not share it with that ONE, yes *gasp* ONE person that means the world to us? Come on, how many times do you hear a guy/girl talk about, I didn't mean for it to go this far, feelings are caught, and I dont want to be with them... YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT THE BEDROOM OUT OF THIS! Save it, we all get horny, we all get frisky, but self control is not some theory disproved by scientists... YOU CAN DO IT!

Now I am a recently practicing celibacy and people look at me like I got leprosy... Seriously Im so tired of hearing... "Girl, I just dont know how you gonna do it" or  "You can venture that on your own" (like im trying to form a cult) I just found through my sexual experiences that this thing called SEX, just ain't that critical in the process of trying to form a real relationship with someone.. and the thought of casual sex just went straight out the door... I GOT B.O.B FOR THAT!! (Battery Operated Boyfriend).

Maybe I'm just a little new aged or old school now that I'm growing up, but I really am realizing that this thing parents/teachers/pastors taught so long ago had some substance behind it. Sex is an act of love, PERIOD... I cant experience this with someone who I dont love, or even have no intentions of trying to get to know. If im giving you a part of me, you need to expect my heart to follow, dont look at me funny when I want to say "I love you" so many months down the road.

So again, I ask, why is sex so important.... God allowed us to share this gift of our mind, body, and soul and we treat it like its some trip to McDonalds.... Sex will forever be important, its how we repopulate, its how we imprint ourselves on one another, its how we express the greatest form of Love between to people. Sex is great, sex should be had, but sex should NOT be significant only when its done to sell music, movies, magazines, etc...

I am on my soapbox for only one reason, because I understand our generation is allowing that which is good to be corrupted. I understand that you will do what you want, when you want, and how you want, but understand this... while you are giving yourself up to him, her, and them, ask yourself, "what will I have left when that that 1 comes along"... will it be important then?

Live. Laugh. Love
        A. Bunny


  1. I can fight for both sides with this...to start with devil's advocate: you basically said it, everyone wants to be desired and in this day and age the world is consumed with sex. It's like morals and self respect have gone out the window but it's not even really frowned upon because "EVERYONE IS DOING IT!" so like you said, to fit in (or do wtf ppl wanna do w/o someone lookin at them like they got sars) they bang, and can be as outrageous as they want. Not knockin anybody's lifestyle choice but look at homosexality today, it's MUCH more prevalent and accepted today than anyone could have ever imagined it would be. But to climb up on the soap box with you, I respect and actually understand the decision to be celibate. Most of the time people just look at sex as gettin their rocks off and not for what it was given to us for or even for what it can do for us if used correctely. It can actually heal emotionally and physically (the big O can cure cramps ha!) but of course it's basically useless if people are going to keep over indulging! And without sex, its definitely easier to put and keep things into perspective as well as really get in touch with yourself...and no I don't mean literally!!! (at least not necessarily lol)

  2. CLAP CLAP BRAVO!! That's why we are friends... YOUR VIEWS MAKE SENSE...

  3. lol a trip to Mickey D's!? really? that was pretty clever considering how many McDonalds there are world wide.
