
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Past, Present, Future.... Always

A week or so ago I found my old high school best friend on twitter, her account was blocked but I requested to be her friend anyways. From the moment of clicking to send the request I wondered would she accept my request or not. This I wonder primarily because the summer before my senior year her and I and another friend of ours had a falling out, much so started by me because that year had proven to be one of my most trying and they just weren't the friends you would have wanted to be by your side throughout the majority of the situation. 

Well yesterday she accepted my request to my surprise and so I tweeted her, and we shared a few niceties. This lead me to wonder... When you grow out of someone does that necessarily mean that you never fit again? I mean people do it all the time with friendships, relationships, even family members and sadly some people just leave it at that no matter how great the situation might have been prior to the negative occurrences.  

I understand that people come in and out of your life for reasons... The seasons of friendships change, but those seasons could mean you may need a period of death to the friendship inorder to have a fresh and new beginning. You know that saying... "You dont know what you have until it's gone" it speaks to many situations in life, but does that necessarily mean that it has to stay gone? What happens when you lose an object that you really liked or even loved... dont you go looking for it? I know I do, and I search frantically until I find it. Why dont we treat the people we love or deeply care about like a missing object? Life is too short to discard those that meant the most to us like they can be replaced. 

I find the older I get the more this lesson presents itself in the forefront of life, from losing family members dear to my heart... to friends. When I actually sit down and let the steam blow over my stupidity and rage evaporate with it. I can only think about the good times I've had with these people and how much I miss them! So what's my conclusion?..... Well I cant erase the past, I can only write the future, and yea there may not be any moments where I can rewind to my mistakes, but I can at least correct them before the story continues. 

By no means am I trying to get deep on anyone, My best friend said something to me this morning that just hit home.. He said "Good friends are hard to come by, you got to hold on to the ones you have".... All that animosity, that disdain, I had 5 years ago, was gone within 1 second. I just hope that with my growth as a person I realize, just because its over for now doesn't mean it's over forever

Live. Laugh. Love
       A. Bunny 

Fall Wish List

Ok you guys today Im going to try something new. I have a passion for fashion, I just never express it, so inorder to get myself back on track I want to share my WANTS & NEEDS with the world!

For the Fall I think the perfect fashion trend for my tastes are Boho Chic inspired clothing! My style crush is Zoe Kravitz.... She and her mother, Lisa Bonet.

Their Fashion Sense is so ridiculously comfortable and free, that I cant help BUT to be drawn to it! Imitation in this cas IS the highest form of flattery!  
Another woman that catches my eye when it comes to being Bohemian all year round is Nicole Ritchie. 
Im certain with a little tweaking and an pinch of personal style I will be able to take her ideas and make them my own for my fashion obsession! 
The biggest key to going boho is just being comfortable in what you are wearing, a simple outfit can be glammed up with big chunky jewelry like  an assortment of bangles or echocentric pieces. 

My fave website for this kind of jewelry is http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/index.jsp


Monday, August 30, 2010

I Love the Way You Lie...

The more I listen to Eminem's song, the more I relate it to so many instances in my life, when it comes to the opposite sex. Now before any of yall sit there and tell me Im a man basher, look back into your own instances in life with the ppl you have dealt with, when they break your heart, when they screw you over, or when they just change your outlook on how you perceive yourself. Im simply speaking to the tremors of my heart.

Many of times I have put my heart on my sleeve when it comes to men. I feel like I want to get to know the person on a different level so I open myself up to them, the way I want them to open up to me (which from my experience has blown up into my face). Why has it blown up in my face you ask? Because these particular men that I run into, happen to LIE, ALOT!!! LIKE let's be real, if you have to lie to me, when we aren't serious why would I believe you if or when we get together? Some of these lies are so beautiful, so entrancing that you have no choice but to want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Some of these lies are so transparent you just stand and look at them like,"Do I have stupid written all over my forehead?". But nevertheless I love the way these men lie to women, not just me, with the idea that telling a lie is much better than just being honest with themselves or their partners.

This is like a life lesson, as humans we are exposed to just enough to be able to decipher between the crap and the truth. Some of us more than others may have to go through a little bit more. Its all irrelevant at the end of the day when you leave the man that lied to you and learn to appreciate a good man. Yea the lessons are learned, but the biggest lesson is that YOU know what you want! Hence.. "love the way you lie"... I love the hell you put me through to find my heaven on earth.

                              Live. Laugh. Love
                                       A.  Bunny

Twin Powers Activate!

So this blog is just a little fun! I've been doing some research on my astrological sign, Gemini *raises hands in the air like I just dont care*. I know some people dont take it too seriously and others live and swear by their horoscopes, I just happen to find the humor and coincidences in what my sign says about me and how I really am. Now, I will give it this... whomever decided the characteristics of these signs was SPOT ON when it came to Gemini's, well as far as Im concerned.

I was born on June 16th so Im right in the middle, born during a summer month, but in spring. Let me quote some of these articles I found on Gemini's.
"With the Sun in Gemini, the urge for self-expression is strong. These natives are often just as interested in collecting information as they are in sharing it. Curious to a fault, Geminis have a finger in every pie."
If that aint tellin the truth, I dont know what is... My friends from college often called me the "Researcher", I had to know everything about everything and if I didn't know you better believe I was gonna find out. I often think of this as one of my positive qualities, because I pride myself in the fact that what I dont know, I will work to find out. Often times I thought that would be the field that I go into, research about relationships would be ideal.
"Often quite adept at fitting in with others, Geminis easily adopt the moods of those around them. They are friends to people from all walks of life, and are not easily intimidated. Their ability to detach themselves can make Geminis very objective and observant, but a little difficult to get close to. Although they often have many friends, intimacy doesn't come as easily to Solar Geminis."
 Quote pretty much sums it all up. Ever walk into a room and you just sense the mood in the air? Yea not only do I sense it, I either try to change it or adapt to it. I thought I learned it from moving a lot in the military with my parents, and it just has evolved into being this empathetic social person.
I love my sign and all that it seems to open my eyes to around me.

Does your sign speak volumes about you?

                          Live. Laugh. Love
                                  A. Bunny

Bunny Update

Being that its almost the beginning of September and I have NOT blogged except once for the month of August, I shall give an update. (Thinks to self.... "This should be brief")

Besides continuing my journey to employment, I have been combating the day to day hassles of my maternal influence i.e. MOTHER!! She and I have this *Snooty french accent* How do you say... "love/hate" relationship. Id agree if anyone said that her and I are like mortal opposites. She is the sun and I am the moon, literally (I like nighttime and she likes the crack of dawn), but I digress.... I am still fighting the daily battles of learning how to cohabitate with this woman... EVERY FREAKIN DAY IS A FREAKIN ADVENTURE... go figure! Vent much? See I told yall it would be brief... As I stop myself from pullin the hair out of my head... *smiles* Its alllllll gravy

Monday, August 16, 2010

Adventures in Hoeland?? Oh no

So rewind about 2.5 weeks and we find ourselves in Fayetteville.. Place: Friend's house Time: 11ish Scene: Watching tv & joking around.

"Hi how ya doin... doesnt matter", "Youre talkin to me like I cared to know who you are".... "This is Kevin"... "Hi, Im Adrienne"... And this folks is how it begins... You crack a few jokes you spark some interest and then you find yourself liking someone that supposedly is a H.O.E. This is the part where every fiber of your being says he is probably no good for you and yet you still find yourself uncontrollably intrigued by what may make him a bad boy. You ask yourself "Is he really bad? What's his sex like? Can I be the woman to make him want to change his ways?... This thought process is what I like to call, "Desirable Stupidity", because that fiber of your being is telling you dont get caught up because 9/10 you WILL get hurt. Yet you cant help it.. its like being on a diet and knowing you have no business eating that Cinnabon. The smell of it captivates you, the look of it intrigues you, and you hear it calling your name... THIS IS THE SAME EFFECT SELF-MADE MALE WHORES have on you... Temptation at it's finest, Id say.

Now, I have self restraint... I may have nibbled at the Cinnabon (literally), but I didnt devour it, mainly because of the thought of being on someone's roster just doesnt sit well with me... If you are into having sex recreationally, do what you do... but how do you take a man like that seriously.

In the midst of conversation with this knuckle head he tells me he wants to be in a relationship... HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY believe someone like that? ACTIONS... if their actions match up to what they say then possibly they are telling the truth... you would think that would work... pfft NO!

Dealing with a male hoe is like reading one of those books where you choose your own ending... you have a good idea of where it could go... and of where you would hope it would go... So with that said which page do I flip to to see the outcome of this story.. or do I just close the book altogether?