
Monday, September 6, 2010

Evil Influence!

First of all.... Happy Labor day everyone, hope you are enjoying your family, friend's, and cookouts... Im back with my blogs after a brief intermission! 
On to the business!!!.....

Oh how we are so easily influenced we dont realize what wrong from right anymore. The world has changed so much that I fear for our futures (seriously I do).

Earlier today my cousin, Jazz and I were having a conversation about media influences. She just so happened to be reading up on this mass murderer named Charles Manson. She so happened to see him on tv and took an interest into his craziness, from this she said "They should make a movie about this!" From there we went into brief debate mode. My conclusion... Not everyone's life story needs to be televised!

I wonder... how many people actually realize that there is an influence of evil out in the world (ok y'all just hear me out on this) I mean just look at all the movies hollywood is producing... Hardly any of them are about something just THAT positive, we got movies out actually titled DEVIL... like seriously am I the only that's noticing this trend.

I know someone is going to think I'm crazy for this, but If I dont say it, who will?!?! I know there is a direct correlation between the times and what we see (media influence) Look at the crime rate, the amount of deaths we have going on, and the look at the types of movies we are showing. Is there really any reason to question why WE are the way that we are? I know we are not born to be these inexplicably evil people (although I do have to worry about some of y'all), but I look around and there are these children that have no sense of right from wrong. Now dont get me wrong I know that the parents are responsible for about 80% of what their child is exposed to, but what about the other 10%... sad enough it just takes 1 person to corrupt you at a young age!

Im not gonna go on this rant about how we are becoming negatively influenced or anything like that (save that for another day)... I just wanted to speak out on what Im beginning to see out here. I just know that on this journey called life, Im going to keep steadfast on my Jesus and not stray into what's becoming the devil's playground. Will you do the same?!

Live. Laugh. Love
        A. Bunny


  1. Charlie did in fact have a healthy following. so big that one prosecutor was murdered in his name.

  2. Charlie did in fact have a healthy following. so big that one prosecutor was murdered in his name.
