
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What's in an insult? (For my Men)

Let me say before I even start I just want to say my disclaimer... By no means am I grouping all men into this category nor am I "going off", I'm just speaking from personal experience and observations. 

Ok, Now that THAT'S out of the way let the rant begin..lol 

So It has come to my attention that a lot more boys (yes I said boys, because Real men aren't this thick headed) have been throwing around the word "Bitch" like its a common term for a sunny day. Let's just be real, times are changing yes, chivalry is damn near dead, and boys are growing into bigger boys and never crossing over the threshold of becoming a MAN. 

Now Im sure a few of you who are reading this are thinking, "Who are you to tell me how to be a real man?" This is not my intention because no man could ever tell me how to BE are real woman, but they could try to explain to me how as Men, they do or do not want to be treated.. correct? CORRECT! So with that said, why is it that one of the terms that is consistently used as an insult to women, ok to seep through ur lips? I hear men discredit women of who they really are everyday with this term. Now im not exempt of saying bitch myself but trust me when I say... IM NEVER SAYING IT TO BE CUTE... it's because I mean she is not worthy of any other word... PERIOD! (Yeaaaaa I need to quit..lol )

I mean compliments dont run like milk and honey these days with the intent of just uplifting another person, but seriously, we as women have enough to worry about between our own gender to have to sit here and fight a man when he wants to call us a bitch just for the sake of not being intelligent enough to express themselves otherwise. (Yes that was a direct hit to your intellectual abilities, God gave you a brain, use the right side of it to better communicate, PLEASE!)

Now I know some guys try to say, "Well I just say it around my boys"... *buzzard* Try again!! You say it around your friends, you are bound to slip up and say it around or to a woman who doesn't deserve to be put down. And please do not try to fight me on that... it only takes 30 days to alleviate yourself of a HABIT!.. (think about it)

*Bystander 1* "Did she say habit?"... Yes! I did say habit.. Lets take it to Webster's for those of you who dont see where Im going with this! 

Habit- a settled or regular tendency or practice,  Ok y'all got it down? What u say to your boys, you will say to anyone. Now you might exempt a few people from this derogatory term, like you mother for example, but that's a minor discrepancy. I know most of the guys I cross paths with, their mothers didn't raise them to disrespect a woman like that, so that leaves A.) the Father or B.) Friends or C.) Both... Let's explore shall we?

Now, who is the first man you learn from? Your father correct? So if your father is just an all around disrespectful piece of @&#% than, you may pick up on a few things, but usually the men I know who see a man disrespecting a woman, mainly their mother, find it hard to fix their mouth to let something as hurtful slip their lips. (That excuse goes out the window)

"Friends! How many of us of have them?" Yea a question some of you guys need to ask yourselves. If your boys influence your life to the point where they got you having more negative habits than positive, its time to reevaluate that friendship!...
*Personal belief ahead* I just think that if you are really becoming your own person (ADULT) than you have the ability to think for yourself. Life lessons teach us many things, but the best way to know if you actually learned from that lesson is being able to get through it with more knowledge that you had before. So with that said... If you have been scorned by a woman, your boys know, and their response is "BITCHES ARE BITCHES"... learn from this and FIND NEW FRIENDS.. they aren't your real friends, 9/10 they are single and bitter! Yes guys are capable of being bitter! They dont have your back for real, they just want people on their miserable little team.. "Misery LOVES company!"

Now if you got both of these factors going against you, refer to your mother! If she is sane and has the sense God gave her, she is your reference point when it comes to how you should treat women! Trust me on that! 

Basically guys, women deal with enough, especially us Black women... we are already stereotyped as so much. Dont do further damage to who we are and put us down. There is so much in a name, the stigma one word creates can last longer than we hope. Choose your words carefully when you speak. Respect women, you came from one, and hopefully end with one! 

Live. Laugh. Love
      A. Bunny 

1 comment:

  1. i have an issue with this. im kinda torn b/c on one hand i agree with you when you say woman don't need to be put down b/c all have enough to deal with. but what about those who actually earn the term. you mean to tell me its ok for you to drop the B Bomb on her but not for me just b.c i have a Y & X chromosome. that aint right at all. if woman want men to stop calling them out there name they need to stop calling each other out their names, its only right not fair but right.
