Well yesterday she accepted my request to my surprise and so I tweeted her, and we shared a few niceties. This lead me to wonder... When you grow out of someone does that necessarily mean that you never fit again? I mean people do it all the time with friendships, relationships, even family members and sadly some people just leave it at that no matter how great the situation might have been prior to the negative occurrences.
I understand that people come in and out of your life for reasons... The seasons of friendships change, but those seasons could mean you may need a period of death to the friendship inorder to have a fresh and new beginning. You know that saying... "You dont know what you have until it's gone" it speaks to many situations in life, but does that necessarily mean that it has to stay gone? What happens when you lose an object that you really liked or even loved... dont you go looking for it? I know I do, and I search frantically until I find it. Why dont we treat the people we love or deeply care about like a missing object? Life is too short to discard those that meant the most to us like they can be replaced.
I find the older I get the more this lesson presents itself in the forefront of life, from losing family members dear to my heart... to friends. When I actually sit down and let the steam blow over my stupidity and rage evaporate with it. I can only think about the good times I've had with these people and how much I miss them! So what's my conclusion?..... Well I cant erase the past, I can only write the future, and yea there may not be any moments where I can rewind to my mistakes, but I can at least correct them before the story continues.
By no means am I trying to get deep on anyone, My best friend said something to me this morning that just hit home.. He said "Good friends are hard to come by, you got to hold on to the ones you have".... All that animosity, that disdain, I had 5 years ago, was gone within 1 second. I just hope that with my growth as a person I realize, just because its over for now doesn't mean it's over forever!
Live. Laugh. Love
A. Bunny