
Monday, November 29, 2010

Tattoo of my "Amour"

So this past weekend I kept my word and received my first tattoo! It took me 4.5 years to find the perfect tattoo for myself and being that this is my first, it will probably mean the most to me!

My tattoo is 1/3 french & 2/3 latin..lol... trust me it was intentional... kinda like spanglish!
I thought I'd take the time to let ya'll in on my thought process...lol... I never try to be deep I just do what I like!

Now as you can see in the photo it reads  "Amour Vincit Omnia".... traditional and correct latin would have it read "AMOR Vincit Omnia"... but like my personality I never do anything by tradition!

The phrase still means the same thing "Love Conquers All", but I kinda of wanted to play with the word love! When translated in french "amour" means Love, but more precise and to make this tattoo a little more personal it can also mean "an illicit love affair"... and no Im not condoning love affairs before anyone assumes that nonsense lol!!!

OK... the breakdown!
Now if you know me, you know I've been speaking french since 8th grade... so there are so many reasons I chose to spell it this way... and before anyone says "Why didn't you just get it in french?"... I like latin.. point blank.. its not dead and it reads beautifully, I wanted to mix the languages especially since french derived from latin... annnnnnd.... "Amour conquiert tous" isn't my favorite way of saying it either. LOL! Mais J'adore jamais mon francais!! Tous le jour!

Now back to the spelling... I have been through so much in my life journey and sure I will be through so much more, but one of my biggest struggles is in the matters of the heart! My issues don't just lie with trying to find a mate, but with love for my friends, family, and most importantly MYSELF.... so much so that its almost like this on and off again love affair. Illicit mean"forbidden by law" and sometimes thats exactly how I feel... true love feels damn near forbidden and hard to come by, but at the end of the day... LOVE CONQUERS ALL. Right when I think it's over, somehow/ someway love for life, myself, others & God overcomes my situation and I win the war.. no matter the "outcome".

Like I said, I dont try to be deep, lol its just a very personal tattoo and I thought Id let ya'll in on how I viewed my decision! It's funny how the difference 1 letter can make in a meaning and purpose! If you know nothing else, know who you are and what you want. Nothing means more than your voice and having the freedom to express yourself exactly like YOU want... the only standards that need to be met are your own!

Live. Laugh. Love
      A. Bunny

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Use-y" Lover

Have you ever just been content with what happens in your head and not cared too much what's going on with your reality?! That's exactly how I feel these days... I understand Im going through a growth period and a lot of people feel like Im extremely nonchalant about a lot of things, which isn't the case, I just feel more relaxed in my own head. I dont have any real issues or dilemmas going on now, Im going with the flow of life, but somehow some way some obstacles just pop their little heads up (like I'd never see that coming)... this month.. or couple of months it's been "boys" "men" whaaatever you want to call them... just sprouting up like little weeds. And along with these weeds come these feelings... what in the heck for?!?! I mean really, Im not so heartless of a soul that I dont care about anyone's feelings but honestly, NOW you want to come to me and tell me that you love me... or now you want to try again.. come on guys... I understand it's cold outside but I dont have stupid written on my forehead do I?!?! WILL IT EVER END!!! lol

Being used, why do we do it? We all have been used some way or another, but I really want to talk about how we do it to each other (meaning men/ women) like love is never going to be part of the equation... I wont try to say I've never done it because I have... am I proud of it? No... but I've done it nevertheless. I recently met this guy... wont go into too much detail because they might read this, anyways I met this guy and he was in a relationship and let's just say this "relationship" ended badly.. now he misses his significant other (they both made a mistake and 2 wrongs dont make a right) and well she won't take him back... not now at least... and he is feeling lonely or so he says... I know y'all see where Im going with this... He is basically looking for something warm to lay on top of... which is sad because at the end of the day, regardless if he let's anyone know upfront what his situation is... he has failed to realize that human emotions, dont give a DAMN what your situation is... and for anyone who puts themselves in that positon it is by choice, but 2 people hold responsibilities in situations like that and I'll never understand how we as humans can reconcile using others for emotional support or what have you, without reciprocating that feeling. 

This post is brief and just something that was on my mind earlier... I just wanted to get this off my chest... until next time

Live. Love. Laugh
       A. Noelle

Monday, November 8, 2010

Journey of her Reflection...

R.E.S.P.E.C.T.... We all want it, we all deserve it, but do we all give it?

This blog is for my ladies. I've noticed that some of my generation of women are having a hard time learning to respect ourselves. Many of us, find ourselves letting other people define who we should see ourselves as... and I'm not just talkin men, I'm referring to our parents or what we see media-wise (I swear I stay comin' down on the media). 

I feel for a lot of young girls out there because they are truly confused on who they are and find it cute to let people degrade them. We are so much more than that ladies! NEVER and I do mean NEVER let anyone tell you that you are anything less than God's gift to this world! You never have to lower your standards for a man, because if he REALLY LOVED YOU... he wouldn't ask anything of you, that you wouldn't ask of yourself. You do not have to listen to your friends or family tell you what you won't become, or who you have become. We are creatures of change, so never think what you are stuck in, is going to be the outcome for the rest of your life!

I'm not gonna beat this dead horse, so I will be as brief as I possibly can, but I feel like I just need to put this out there. Im so tired of walkin around seeing these beautiful women, inside and out, act foolish for attention, it's embarrassing and pointless. If I had a mirror to hold up to the world, NONE of us would even glance out our true reflections, but yet we are steadily trying to improve ourselves and meet someone else's standards. What right do any of us have to put a label or a name on someone who is doing the best they can to be who God intended? I do understand that men have their struggles and by no means am I saying they have it easy, but as a natural born woman I fully understand the pressures we as women have in ANY society to be the epitome of PERFECTION.

A guy I recently met said "Im glad Im a boy... women have it too hard, from y'alls hair, to makeup, to periods, to everything" lol I couldn't help but laugh because of the truth behind that simple statement. We do so much... myself included... and for what!?! Now I understand we all like to look pretty to OUR standards, but what about those instances when someone cuts you down when you have built up your own confidence... we feel horrible because we dont have social acceptance. (To hell with it!)

I am learning everyday to look myself straight in the mirror and to find 1 thing about myself that I love and stick with it, until I have learned to love everything about me, because I LOVE IT.. not because someone else told me it was beautiful... I wake up each morning and live and breathe for Adrienne and no one else... when I die my body will return to the earth and no one will be able to speak on my big thighs or big lips... none of this is relevant.

As far as degrading anyone, men or women, based solely upon the choices made in their life... Who Cares... honestly we are not defined by our "mistakes"... at the end of the day its what you do with the knowledge you have gained from that life's lesson. As much as I have a great disdain for strippers and their choice of career... I respect the woman who has the strength to leave that life and learn from it.... It's easy to stay complacent... only the strong at heart and will can step outside of their comfort zone with faith that a better/positive life awaits them.

All I'm saying while I stand on my soapbox is that everyone deserves the optimum level of respect... none of us are greater than the other... we all bleed the same.. breathe the same... our bank accounts don't matter... our education doesn't matter (unless used in a more positive way)... because at the end of the day our legacy in life is not based upon how many people we cut down or who we hurt in life... it's carried on by those we have touched and made a difference... And for every woman who has tried to make herself into something that she know's isn't right... DO NOT CHANGE FOR ANYONE... you know exactly who you are and who you want to be... be your own biggest fan, realize that those who really love you, will love you no matter what you do or who you become. We only have one life, do not spend it trying to be something for another, because chances are they will never be satisfied with their life focusing on someone else's.

Live. Laugh. Love
           A. Bunny